What is Risk Management about?

This course starts by exploring the concept of risk and the factors that can constitute risks i.e. legislation affecting business operations in South Africa, health risks and a few others. It looks at organizational policies and procedures as the strategic link between a Company’s Vision and its day-to-day operations and how these could be beneficial in the management of risk.  

The second section of this course deals with the two main ways of identifying risk, sources of information available to assist with this task and scenarios that can constitute a risk. It then looks at risk assessment, the level of risk, elements of risk analysis and impact analysis. It explores the steps to take when testing and revising a contingency plan as well as recommendations on improvements to contingency plans.

Cheryl Nkosi

I am very pleased with the quality of the course I did. I'm hoping that by me doing this course, I can save my company money.

 Gerhard van der Merwe

Wow, such an insightful course. Hoping to ensure big changes with my newfound knowledge.

What are the prerequisites?

  • Computer/Laptop
  • Email for notifications and communication
  • Internet connection
  • PDF viewer (e.g ADOBE Acrobat)
  • Microsoft Word for notes
  • A web browser

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Risk Management is in my opinion one of the most important courses an employee can do. I am so happy with what I learned.

Course Content

Job Market Prospects

This course is desired in many companies.

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How long does it take to complete?

How much does it cost?

Unit 1- Understanding risk

1.1 (incl. 1.2) Understanding risk​

1.3 Concept of risk management​

1.4 (incl. 1.5, 1.5.1 & 1.5.2) Factors that can constitute risks​

1.5.3 Employment equity act​

1.6 Financial risks​

1.7 Operational risk​

1.7.1 Health and safety risks​

1.7.2 Environmental risks

1.8 Organisational policies and procedure

Unit 2- Risk Identification and assessment

2.1  (incl. 2.2, 2.3 & 2.3.1) Risk identification and assessment

2.3.2 Identifying prospective risks

2.3.3 Conducting interviews

2.4 Scenarios that can constitute a risk

2.4.1 (incl. 2.4.2 - 2.4.4) Financial risk

2.4.5 (incl. 2.4.6 & 2.4.7) Goodwill risk

2.4.8 Risk of staff loss

​2.5 (incl. 2.6 & 2.6.1) Risk identification template

2.6.2 Impact analysis

2.6.3 Analysis techniques

2.7 Risk strategies

2.8 Risk register 

Unit 3- Developing contingency plans

3.1 (incl. 3.2 & 3.2.1) Developing contingency plans

3.2.2 Plan development and implementation

3.3 Communicating contingency plans

3.4 Storage of contingency plans

It takes between 4 days and 2 weeks, depending on your speed.

only $ 1 + 36c 

(The 36c is the administration fee)


Negotiation Skills

Stress Management

Emotional Intelligence

Empower Team Members

Communication Skills

Talent Management

Mirriam Swartbooi

Unit 4- Testing and revising contingency plans

4.1 (incl. 4.2 & 4.3) Testing and revising contingency plans

4.4 Recommendations on improvements to contingency plans

4.5 Revising contingency plans

Risk Management

Risk Management